That's right. I bought an Iron Gym. It was a semi-impulse buy in that I've been thinking of getting one for awhile but figured i should wait til I thought i'd be confident that I'd actually use it before i spent the 30 bucks on it, but then i had a convo at work with DAR and was talking about one and on my way home the turn lane at the stop light was backed up so i said, i'll just go straight (onto I-95) and go get an Iron Gym. haha.
Will I get strong and ripped? More importantly will I get that way "quick"? We'll see. I hope so. I hope their claims are as true as their claim that it is easy to put together (it was) and easy to "install" (it was).
I did 3 sets of 5 pushups, which were made infinitely harder by using the grips and not just putting my hands on the floor; 3 sets of 15 sit-ups; 2 sets of 5 hanging-from-the-bar-attempting-to-pull-myself-ups (cannot be called pullups or chinups - it is a long way from that. a long way!), and i did 1 miniset of 5 dips.
my goal is to repeat this workout 2 more times this week. hopefully, i can get a routine going. i will hopefully getting my first shot this Friday, and i'd like to use it to my advantage - bulk up! (or at least tone up). i am SO afraid of gaining weight so this might help with that too (in the sense that maybe i'll only gain muscle mass instead of fat mass). i like parenthesis tonight. ()()()()()().
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