today, i had the surreal experience of meeting someone that i had already met but who didn't realize the difference (and thus, thought i ws somebody completely new). okay, maybe that didn't make any sense, so let me try again. through the course of the last few days, i have probably introduced myself over 200 times. in fact, i feel like that is mostly all i've done since starting my medical school experience. funny thing, i still probably haven't met m ore than a third of my 165-member class. several people remembered me from before (like from an interview day) but didn't seem to remember and/or care that my name and gender was different. today however, i had an experience that went something like this:
-hi, i'm remy
*i'm m_____
-i think we may have met before. did we interview together?
*no, ...(thinking) wait! we worked together at NIH
-oh yeah.
-where did you go to school?
-NC State
-there was another girl at NIH that went to NC State who actually knew s0-and-so who i grew up with
um...yeah. totally talking about me. SURREAL.
in other news, seem to be fitting in and being perceived as i want. which is odd as i don't really know how to converse with guys. apparently, a lot of people think i'm gay. i'm okay with this, but i find it amusing.
more later
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